Articles and Information for Parents and Teachers

Identifying high potential and gifted learners

Identifying high potential and gifted learners

The beginning of a school year often brings hope, reflection and aspirations…. For parents as well as their children. Every teacher hopes that their students in their care will grow and progress – something we all want.

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Is Your Child Gifted?

Is Your Child Gifted?

“Is my child gifted?” This is a question many parents ask. They may have seen evidence of early reading or excellent memory. There is not one clear-cut answer to this question as all children are different which we will further expand below.

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Is Assessing Your Child’s Ability Important?

Is Assessing Your Child’s Ability Important?

Do you believe your child may be gifted? How can you confirm this? Where would you go to ask the right questions?

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Twice Exceptional Students

Twice Exceptional Students

Imagine a student who appears to her teachers to be passionate about math and science – an exceptional problem-solver, but who struggles with reading, writing, and homework tasks. Her parents might see a disorganised homework folder, messy bag, and a frustrated child, but they know she will happily spend hours on complex and creative work. Or a child who loves and excels at science and will create their own projects but ’ talk about these with his classmates or teacher and will become rude if pushed.

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Is Your Child Suffering from Anxiety?

Is Your Child Suffering from Anxiety?

Is Your Child Suffering from Anxiety?

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10 Calming Tips to Prevent Anxiety

10 Calming Tips to Prevent Anxiety

10 Calming Tips to Prevent Anxiety

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More Tips to Prevent Anxiety

More Tips to Prevent Anxiety

More Tips to Prevent Anxiety

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Encouraging Creativity with our Children

Encouraging Creativity with our Children

If your child is a daydreamer, has unusual ideas when at play, has ‘out of the box’ ideas, orloves designing and performing? There is a strong chance he or she is creatively gifted.

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The mental well-being of gifted and 2e children during isolation

The mental well-being of gifted and 2e children during isolation

We are all experiencing unprecedented times of turmoil and isolation which is bringing hardship and anxiety into our lives. If we, as adults, are feeling the trauma then we have to assume that our children are suffering anxiety also and, as children, they are less equipped to deal with the crisis that is affecting the world. We must go even one step further with children who are gifted and may also have learning difficulties.

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Activities for Home - Physical Activities

Activities for Home - Physical Activities

Fit in short bursts of physical activity into your routine:

PE Lessons every day for kids (all ages) by Joe Wicks is very popular with children of all ages. Click the link to YouTube. Joe has been doing these activities for years so there is quite a collection to choose from.

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Other Activities for Home to Support Learning

Other Activities for Home to Support Learning

Cooking is fun anytime but being stuck at home this can be educational as well as fun. Get your budding chefs to create masterpieces while also learning maths skills such as measuring, writing processes (recipes) and fractions.

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Interactive Home Learning Activities

Interactive Home Learning Activities

Lots of good ideas here.

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Why Co-reading with your Child is Important

Why Co-reading with your Child is Important

Research has shown how important reading for pleasure is to children’s future mental well- beingand economic success. Books enable children to discover new places, meet new people and learn.Furthermore, by sparking their imaginations, stimulating critical thinking and helping to develop empathy, reading gives children the 21st Century skills they need to succeed at school,at work and in life.

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Preferred Learning for Gifted Children

Preferred Learning for Gifted Children

The Covid 19 pandemic and the resulting working at home has raised the question of preferred learning by academically gifted students...

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Supporting Your Child’s Learning

Supporting Your Child’s Learning

As parents and carers we are the first and most influential teachers for our children. Although this is most obvious before school – it remains very important through the school years.

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Helping your Child Grow in a Digital World

Helping your Child Grow in a Digital World

The Gonski Institute at the University of New South Wales have some useful resources to support parents in a digital world.

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Research suggests eating an unhealthy breakfast could have a similar effect on your child’s school day as having nothing at all

Research suggests eating an unhealthy breakfast could have a similar effect on your child’s school day as having nothing at all

An article on The Conversation about the negative effect of an unhealthy breakfast on student motivation and achievement.

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‘Families are giving up’: Kids wait five years to see a paediatrician

‘Families are giving up’: Kids wait five years to see a paediatrician

An article on about educational assessment wait times.

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NAPLAN test scores reveal one in three participants below expectations

NAPLAN test scores reveal one in three participants below expectations

An article on about education Equity

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What is equity in education and how do we achieve it?

What is equity in education and how do we achieve it?

"If we don't fix inequities in our schools soon, we'll pay a high price for that later."

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