EdScreening Software Solutions

A Revolutionary New Approach to Closing the Gap

Transforming Lives with a Pioneering Approach

Our proprietary EdScreening software solutions provide new hope for countless Australian children, and their families.

Recent statistics suggest that between 25% and 40% of school students in Australia have additional educational needs, translating to 1.6 million students.
Researcher and Academic, EdScreening Research and Advisory Committee, 2023

EdScreening’s pioneering approach to identifying common exceptionalities, disorders and disabilities that impact learning will help close the educational gap and overcome challenges faced everyday by millions of children, reshaping their educational experiences and allowing them to achieve their true potential.

A Future of Inclusive Education

With the assistance of leading educational researchers and other experts, EdScreening has developed a proprietary software solution that provides an equitable and accessible education support system for all students, and the teachers who support them.

For the first time, EdScreening software makes it possible to provide universal access to the benefits of expert educational research and tailored support for all students, aiding educationally disadvantaged students in regional and remote areas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities; as well as those impacted by low socioeconomic status.

Join us in shaping a future where every child has the opportunity to succeed. With EdScreening software, we're not just changing the present; we're building an inclusive and hopeful future for education in Australia.

Two recent articles highlight the need (and urgency) for solutions like those offered by EdScreening with strong classroom practice strategies/support, to be made available to all students including equity groups.

Read more at News.com.au and at abc.net.au

"Gifted children display different characteristics in cognitive, linguistic, affective and psychomotor skills in comparison with other children” Developmental characteristics of gifted children aged 0–6 years: parental observations Ahmet Bildiren, Early Child Development and Care, 188(8), 175-192, 2018
